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EU Commissioner Mr Lásló Andor for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion did speak at the event 'Social Europe after the Crisis', which Clingendael
organized on 10 February 2011.
What will Europe’s social agenda look like in the aftermath of the economic and financial crises? Discussants were people from the FNV (the largest confederation of Dutch trade unions) and VNO-NCW (Confederation of Dutch Industry and Employers). While it is perhaps hard to argue against such measures, for many citizens it means that 'Brussels' equals even more insecurity and lower pay. The panel therefore debated important questions concerning the future of EU’s social policies, such as: |
The economic crisis is changing the EU and its economy in many ways. Representatives of embassies, universities, governments, advisory groups and citizens were present in order to expierence the debate and to give reactions. Recently Merkel and Sarkozy launched a plan with extreme views in order to get economy back on track. After all, everything that matters is not nowadays isolated anymore, but for the greater part matters are connected to each other as a web. In order to let start a fertile recovery it is of importance to judge the fundamental period by its true merits. Viability, employment has to be protected. EU2020 is focussing on stability and strives after reforms of labourmarket reforms, taxes, pension systems and to stay economical competitive. Looking for balance between flexability for business and security for workers and fair commitment between EU, institutions, commission. We also have to taken into account demographic changes. Contribution from employees point of view: Plans by Merkel and Sarkozy did not get the support of the Eurotop. But the plans of the European Commission for a 'Pact on power on concurrence' are very explicit too. Through this, substantial questions are present at the largest organisation of employees and arised concerning the democratic quality of the intended decisions by the Commission. Till now, there was in the separate member-states no social or political discussion about this. Besides, the EU-plans points numerous absurdities. Striving after a labour participation of 75% as in half of Europe extreme austerity is announced, is almost impossible. Many jobs will lost when all governments in Europe are going to economize at the same time. National governments can not invest in skills of employees if at the same time there are stone-hard cuts on education and schooling. And fighting of poverty is in a time of increasing unemployment and severe cuts impossible. The FNV did suggest proposals to stimulate the economy, to execute an active labour market policy and to divide prosperity in stead of to impose sanctions to countries when they does not carry out European politics. It was mentioned that member states after the Lisbon Treaty was implemented have to react if they don'tagree with EC proposals and a public debate was not carried. How can the EU do this proposals without consulting social partners? We need to have jobs. Contribution from employers point of view: |